Friday, May 28, 2010

Communism was one of the main forms of government that ruled Europe and other countries after World War II. Communism is an economic system in which all means of production like land, mines, factories, railroads, and businesses are owned by the people, private property does not exist, and all goods are services are shared equally. As the Soviet Union slowly grew and became stronger with the power of communism, the United States tired to put an end to this strong power. President Henry S Truman foreign a policy called the containment. Containment was a policy that directly was to block the Soviets influence and stopping the expansion of communism. Also, this policy helped form alliances and helped out the weak countries from the influence of communism.

President Truman also passed other policy in the help to decreases the power of communism. Truman Doctrine was a dogma that was in support of the countries that rejected communism. The Marshall Plan was to help support countries that need help to restart their economy. Many countries were in ruins after World War II, whic
h this plan helped with the scarcity of jobs and food. The Marshall Plan also helped provide food, machinery, and other materials to rebuild the Western Europe.

Just like how communism once was power in the world, terrorism is slowly becoming that power today in our present world. Little do we know it, but we are slowly repeating history. The United States today is slowly trying to stop the influence of terrorism around the world. Terrorism is the use of force or threats to frighten people or governments to change their policies. This group has slowly became strong in the past years. The United States saw this power rise when 9-11 hit. The United States saw this as a call to help decrease the publish of terrorism.

Today, as the Untied States is one of the most powerful cournty in the world, they are helping out once again bring down a group of people who are trying to not only become a main power but became strong with supporters. The history is being repeated as The United Sta
tes is helping bring down terrorism, just like they did with communism. As long as terrorism slowly decrease, then we could see a change in the world today.

After looking at how history is repeating itself, the thought that something like terrorism or communism could come up again is a little scary. But the world can deal with the change and help decrease the power by helping support the countrys who do not commit to their ways.


  1. I do agree with your idea that we are repeating history by stopping terrorism just like communism, but I believe it is a necesity in order to keep the world from getting out of control.

  2. I think you're right that we should keep terrorism down. But we aren't really repeating history because U.S.A. wasn't as powerful as it is now. I mean shouldn't Iran and Russia be scared uf us?

  3. The United States is definitally repeating its' history but do you really think that terrorism will die down completely?

  4. I have the same question that Lindsey has. Will terrorism ever disapear? I think that the major groups that advocate terrorism can be destroyed, but there will always be people who think destroying other people is the way to go. While I wish that terrorism could be completely eradicated, I don't think it is a possibility.

  5. The idea of terrorism completely vanishing is a bit unrealistic. However, I agree that the U.S.A is repeating history.
